Are you tired of battling acne scars and long for smoother, clearer skin? If so, we’re here to help. Acne scars tend to entail stubborn and persistent blemishes to your complexion, often causing frustration and self-consciousness. That said, today’s advancements in dermatology and aesthetic treatments should offer a lot of hope to anyone in this position, with one such treatment in particular gaining popularity. Allow us to introduce the cutting-edge technique of microneedling!


What is microneedling? 

Microneedling, also known as collagen induction therapy, is a minimally invasive procedure that involves the use of a device equipped with fine needles to produce tiny, controlled punctures in a targeted area of the skin's surface. This process creates micro-perforations which stimulate the skin's natural healing response, promoting the synthesis of skin structural elements such as elastin and collagen I and III, which are essential for skin regeneration, improved firmness, and repair. This serves to reduce expression lines and pore size. The result? Improved texture, reduced fine lines and wrinkles, and diminished scars on your skin.    

Treating acne scars with microneedling 

One of the most promising applications of microneedling is its effectiveness in treating acne scars. Whether you're dealing with shallow depressions, rolling scars, or more severe hypertrophic scars, this procedure can help improve the appearance and texture of your skin. 

The mini-perforations in the skin also function to significantly increase the transepidermal absorption of products applied topically afterwards. This synergy between the needles and the solution used constitutes a dermoepidermal biostimulation that multiplies the effectiveness of the treatment far beyond the results offered by a simple topical application. 

m.pen pro: microneedling device

At the forefront of microneedling technology is mesoestetic®’s m.pen pro, a cutting-edge device designed to deliver great results with precision and consistency. With wireless technology and optimum ergonomics and comfort, it is indicated for all types of skin. Offering advanced features and customisable settings such as speed and the number of microcanals it produces, the m.pen pro provides optimal penetration depth and treatment efficacy, making it a preferred choice among dermatologists and skincare professionals.  

Before and after results: m.pen pro

Witnessing the transformative power of this treatment is truly remarkable. Before embarking on your microneedling journey, it's essential to have realistic expectations and understand that results may vary depending on individual skin type and the severity of scarring. However, we can say that many patients experience noticeable improvements in skin texture, tone, and overall appearance after a series of treatments. 

microneedling acne scars before and after

As these images demonstrate, this procedure is a powerful tool for the treatment of acne scars and other blemishes on the skin. While scar tissue cannot be completely eliminated, mesoestetic®’s m.pen pro device does an amazing job in minimising the issues and helping clear up your skin and complexion. With results like these, what are you waiting for? 


How many sessions do you need? 

In general, professionals recommend a series of three to six sessions spaced four to six weeks apart for optimal outcomes, depending on the area to be treated and the specific aim of the sessions. While we can say that most sessions take between 30 and 60 minutes, your skincare professional will assess your skin condition and customise a treatment plan tailored to your specific needs and goals. It’s important to remember that all skin care treatments are a long-term effort and commitment. Don’t fall for practitioners that promise miracle results overnight.  

How long do the results of microneedling last? 

The longevity of this treatment results depends on various factors, including our general skincare routine, sun exposure, and other lifestyle habits such as smoking or alcohol consumption. While this procedure can significantly improve the appearance of acne scars, maintenance treatments are often necessary to help sustain results over the longer term. Incorporating a consistent skincare regimen and sun protection measures into your daily life can also help prolong the benefits of microneedling. 

Who should avoid this treatment? 

Although microneedling is generally safe for most individuals, certain contraindications may preclude its use among certain populations. Pregnant or breastfeeding women should avoid the treatment, while individuals with active acne breakouts, eczema, psoriasis, or open wounds should avoid it until their condition stabilises. Additionally, those with a history of keloid scarring or autoimmune disorders should consult with a healthcare professional before undergoing microneedling or other treatments. 

The takeaway

Microneedling such as that provided by mesoestetic®’s m.pen pro device offers a promising solution for addressing acne scars and achieving smoother, more radiant skin. With advancements in technology and treatment protocols, this minimally invasive procedure continues to revolutionise the field of dermatology and aesthetics. Whether you're seeking to improve acne scars or enhance overall skin quality, this procedure holds the key to unlocking your skin's full potential and feeling like the best version of you. 

Remember, your skin is worth the best, and the journey to clearer, more radiant skin should begin with a consultation with a qualified skincare professional. Together, you can develop a personalised skin treatment plan tailored to your unique needs and goals, bringing you one step closer to the skin of your dreams. 

Join us on this transformative skincare journey and embrace the beauty of radiant, blemish-free skin. 

Diego Pérez

Diego Pérez

Specialist in medical devices for injection

In charge of the mesoestetic® portfolio aimed at aesthetic doctors such as injections of hyaluronic acid for fillers and mesotherapy, and transdermal solutions and hair care.