For several years microneedling has been talked about as one of the most effective non-invasive techniques for the treatment of aesthetic imperfections, but what is microneedling really? What areas can be treated? What are the most effective substances to be applied during this technique?

What is microneedling?

Microneedling is a minimally invasive technique combining the generation of microchannels in the skin and the topical application of active principles. Mini-perforations are created in the skin that work to increase the absorption of topically applied products. This synergy between the needles and the solution used produces a biostimulation that multiplies the effectiveness and maximizes the results of the treatment.

What areas can be treated and what aesthetic problems can be treated?

Microneedling can be effectively used in many different areas of the face and body. On the scalp it slows down and improves hair loss; on the face, neckline or hands it treats hypermigrations, lack of vitality in the skin and / or flaccidity and wrinkles.
On the body it treats flaccidity and lack of turgor in the arms, abdomen and legs; and fights against localized fat and cellulite in ‘saddle bags’, double chin, abdominal fat, knees and legs.

Which equipment is the most suitable for this technique?

mesoestetic® has developed the m.pen [pro], an effective wireless device, featuring different speeds and depths for greater efficiency and safety. The device maximises the effect of active substances on the skin, any product applied during or after treatment is quickly and easily absorbed by the skin offering a more effective result than simple topical application.

What substances can be used with m.pen [pro]?

mesoestetic has two lines of products applicable with m.pen [pro], and is composed of 24 mono-substance sterile ampoules developed to specialize in different treatment; draining and detoxifying action; stimulation of collagen synthesis, antioxidant, anti-hair loss action, moisturizing and anti-aging etc. are 6 cocktails of active substances, each vial contains the amount of active substances necessary to carry out an individual session and ensure an optimal result during the treatment process. has depigmenting solutions, anti-aging, facial firming, draining, body mobilizer and body firming.
microneedling with mesoestetic

m.pen [pro] used in combination with the and lines make the mesoestetic® microneedling methodology an advanced aesthetic treatment range with high efficacy and safety indexes supported by published medical studies.